Mapping Keats’s Progress: A Critical Chronology

Mapping Keats’s Progress
A Critical Chronology


Profound thanks to Arnie Keller, Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria, for his dogged and daunting technical expertise in making this site operational in its very first iteration. His patience with my various whims was tested—constantly. The project would not exist without his simple words over coffee: No problem. That can probably be done.

Next, to Martin Holmes of the University of Victoria’s Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC), for expertly reshaping the innards of the site, thus moving it to its current level of operation. Complex things were made to seem so simple; his terrific work continues in providing the site with digital longevity. Also, to Stewart Arneil of HCMC for picking up the slack when called upon. We also thank Amorena Roberts and Amber Norris, work study students, who, under the supervision of Martin, came in at the tail end of early versions of the site to help with some site cleanup.

My sincere appreciation to Matthew Sangster, University of Birmingham, for taking the time to consult with me early in the project as I tried to locate some of those odder addresses and streets in Regency London. Our not-so-profound conclusion: Not all maps are created equal, and not all maps are right.

My thanks to the reader of a few of the poems, Joel Hawkes (PhD, Bristol), who describes his accent as middle-class, southern English, occasionally coloured by the glottal stop of Estuary English (of London and surrounding south-east England). He currently teaches at the University of Victoria. The recording engineer was R. Colin Newell, Systems Technician, University of Victoria. We hope to add more in the future.

I must also thank Kenneth Page of Keats House (London) and Susan Wolfson of Princeton University for their daunting expertise and continuing vigilance in letting me know about things both big and small that have slipped by or into MKP.

Fullest of thanks to my long-ago fellow English major and varsity soccer colleague at SFU, Tony Chursky—a.k.a., grammar grunt. His enthusiasm in plowing through MKP during the early covidian era was a truly unanticipated gift—and not bad for a former international professional soccer player (a goalie, no less!), though more in keeping with his later livelihood as a highly respected high-school English teacher in Seattle, WA.

Finally, to Magdalena Kay, for patiently enduring my spontaneous overflowings about Keats this and Keats that—even when she didn’t have to.

My thanks to the following for their assistance and suggestions:

Julie Bozza, writer and keeper of the blog Keats Locations

Keith Bradley, Emeritus, Notre Dame

Luca Caddia, Keats-Shelley House, Rome

Bogdana Carpenter, Emeritus, University of Michigan

Dave Cockle, The Enfield Society

Sofie Davis, Keats House (City of London)

Stephanie Dumke, Oxford

Andrew Dyke, London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust

Suzie Grogan, Writer and Researcher

Jonathan Hill, St. Olaf College

James A. W. Heffernan, Dartmouth College

Jules Hogan

Matt Huculak, University of Victoria Library

Huntington Library, Rare Books Division

Marc Hutchinson

Peter Lennard, London Bridge Museum & Educational Trust

David Latané, Virginia Commonwealth University

Beth Lau, Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach

Marc Lipman, Professor of Medicine, University College London

Nancy Mayer, Northwest Missouri State University

Sheila MacLeod, Archivist, Vale of Health Society

Ian Reynolds, Independent Scholar

Lucy Rutherford, Assistant Archivist, Hertford College

Deborah Ogilvie, University of Victoria & Simmons College

Plymouth Central Library, History and Information

Perry Ross, University of Victoria

Mark Saunders, Chairman, Shanklin & District History Society

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Annette Sparrowhawk, Enfield Local Studies Library & Archive

Nicholas Stanley-Price, Advisory Committee, Non-Catholic Cemetery, Rome

Julie Watt, Stevenson College, Edinburgh (now retired)

Helen Thomas, Secretary, Shanklin & District History Society

Leonard Will, The Enfield Society

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Blank, G. Kim. “Acknowledgements.” Mapping Keats’s Progress: A Critical Chronology. Edition 3.27 , University of Victoria, 19 August 2024.

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G. Kim Blank, “Acknowledgements,” Mapping Keats’s Progress: A Critical Chronology, Edition 3.27 , last modified 19th August 2024.

Chicago Style: Bibliography

Blank, G. Kim. “Acknowledgements.” Mapping Keats’s Progress: A Critical Chronology, Edition 3.27 , last modified 19th August 2024.